Le Bruit qui Pense 557 avec #427 FA Cup Final Wembley 1966, general atmosphere with flat background (use at low level) (BBC) - Sous une terre humide (Patrick Dubost) – 13 Reception du signal et concentration (Vincent Epplay) - Farm Animals Pigs eating (BBC) - Poème Surréaliste 001- Oraison - Trois hommes en mer (Roland Cahen) - Farm garden, July, mid-morning - with housemartins, swallows, pigeons, rooks, bees and grasshoppers – 1981 (BBC) - Lava Samples  (Slawek Kwi, Siobhan McDonald) - mammifères_ blaireau - Poeme Christian – Mélanie - Ferry Cross-Channel, 'Dover', bridge, as ship approaches harbour (BBC) - Audiomobiles II 'dna In Reflection' (1963) (Roberto Gerhard) - Jean-Paul Deybach (Pierre Redon) - A2 Script Geometry Hyla nana (Thomas Tilly) - 14 A Training complet à l'usage des jeunes générations (Vincent Epplay) – Stone reciprocal

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