‌Cream: "sunshine of your love" (vinyle)
Deep Purple: "super trooper" (vinyle)
Humble Pie:" street rat" (vinyle)
Hot Tuna: "extrication love song" (vinyle)
Factory: "flesh" (vinyle)
Ganafoul: "full speed ahead" (vinyle)
Marquis de Sade:"air-tight_cell" (vinyle)
Minor Threat: "I don't want to ear it" (vinyle)
The Ramones:" I am not afraid of life" (vinyle)
Hell Hammer: "Messiah" (vinyle)
Triumph of Death: "Messiah"
Nirvana : "come as you are" (vinyle)
Killing Joke:  "eighties" (vinyle)
Run DMC:  "walk this way" (vinyle)
Wayne Kramer: "dangerous madness "
UFO "mammuth:fatum" (vinyle)
Year of no Light: "aleitheia" (vinyle)

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