Emission 913 Fungo Mungo, Shootyz Groove et Senser - La Playlist -
Fungo Mungo - Time On My Hands - Hype Is Stupid - DoYou Believe In God - Sold Your Soul (For Rock’n’Roll) – (J) - Brothers And Sister - STFU – (J) - Death Song...
Shootyz Groove - Crooked Is the Path - Soulfreak - Walkin’ In the Fog - (J) - The Joint - Respect – (J) - the Craze - In The Ocean - (J) – RITW -
Senser - The Key – Eject - What’s Going On - No Comply - (J) – Switch - States Of Mind - Stubborn -Peace - (J) - Worth
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Bibliographie :
Rock Fusion, Funk, hip-hop, nü-metal & autres métissages, Jean-Charles Desgroux, Le Mot et le Reste, 2021
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